Ask Dr. Andy
News & Press
News & Press
Debra O’Fee Article in FACES of Long Island

“At the age of 3, Ryan was diagnosed with Pervasive Development Disorder. At the time, I didn’t realize that PDD was autism. When my son was 4, I wasn’t sure what his abilities should be. I decided to keep a journal of what was going on with Ryan. Later, when I would read back, I’d be crying or laughing, or I’d be frightened because I couldn’t believe we had lived through the experience.
“We eventually learned that Ryan would elope, which happens in 48 percent of children with autism …
Dr. Andy McCabe on his new book – Autism Essentials
The SandPaper, New Jersey
It is our intention to de-mystify autism by presenting a step-by-step, highly professional, carefully constructed manual for addressing the needs of our children, both prenatal and after the spectrum diagnosis.
We hope to sell 100,000 copies of the new book – Autism Essentials (to donate $1 million to the Autism Trust in Austin, Texas).
The new book brings together 33 of the top authors in the field with a goal to de-mystify autism by presenting a step-by-step, highly professional, carefully constructed manual for addressing the needs of our children, both prenatal and after the spectrum diagnosis.
Dr. Andy McCabe Profile
Black Tie Magazine
Andy McCabe received his Psy.D. in School Psychology from the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University in 1999. He is an Associate Professor at New Jersey City University where he teaches courses in behavior disorders. He facilitated one of the first public school programs for children with autism in New Jersey and in 2010 received the Humanitarian Award from the Simpson-Baber Foundation for Autistic Children.
Be Free and Grow by Dr. Andy McCabe
Creations Magazine
Think of what happened to the Catholics in Ireland, the Jews in Europe, the American Indians and the African slaves in America, and in our own country, the poor. The people who made the laws that discriminated often committed atrocities toward their brothers and sisters under the banner of what they decided was “best” for all when, in fact, their own purposes were being served. Over three hundred treaties were signed with Native-Americans and all of them were broken.
Anat Baniel On Autism With Dr. Andy
Anat Baniel Method
Listen as Dr. Andy and his guests explore the world of alternative therapies that may be effective in assisting children on the autism spectrum. Andy McCabe has his Psy.D. in Applied Psychology from Rutgers University and is a full-time professor. He has presented stress management & self-improvement programs for the United States Navy, hospitals, police organizations, educational institutions, and major corporations.
Anne Dachel To Discuss The Big Autism Coverup
From Skyhorse Publishing On Autism With Dr. Andy
Age Of Autism
Autism with Dr. Andy features Anne Dachel discussing her new book, The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public.
Autism With Dr. Andy
The Gothic Times
McCabe, currently working in his 13th year as an Associate Professor in the special education department here at New Jersey City University, is also the author of the acclaimed book The Gifted One, as well as the host of “Autism with Dr. Andy,” a radio series based in Manhattan Beach, California.
Ryder At The Beach
Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood
From City Bear Press Author Debra J. O’Fee
My 10-year-old son, Ryder has autism. Ryder is the sweetest boy ever, but he still surprises me and catches me off guard with things, mischievous things.
The Great Awakening
Dr. Andy & Dr. Christiane Northrup
From Dr. Northrup:
Meeting up with Dr. Andrew McCabe of City Bear Press. Andy is one of our long-time Warriors of the Radical Light and also serves with me at Millions Against Medical Mandates, making sure are are informed consents and no vaccine mandates.
He has spent years working in the autism community as well. Remember.. community is immunity.
Dr. Andy McCabe: Autism Answers
A Video With Autism One
Dr. Andy McCabe’s presentation will focus on information he has been introduced to by the 120-plus expert speakers he has interviewed on his radio show – Autism With Dr. Andy.