The Fablehood Trilogy


Each of us has a story, and each story offers a lesson into what we are about. Fablehood is a way of sharing my story in the form of little anecdotes, parables if you will, each of which cover some small aspect of my life and some moral drawn from it. Along the way, I share the people and circumstances who have touched and populated my life with wisdom. You, the reader, are the same. For just like you, I am not a haphazard product, nor have I been able to set up my own design. Like each of you, I am a compendium of all the people I have interacted with during my life. This book tells my story by virtue of little vignettes. Enjoy them and share them within your own heart.



Each of us has a story, and each story offers a lesson into what we are about. Fablehood is a way of sharing my story in the form of little anecdotes, parables if you will, each of which cover some small aspect of my life and some moral drawn from it. Along the way, I share the people and circumstances who have touched and populated my life with wisdom. You, the reader, are the same. For just like you, I am not a haphazard product, nor have I been able to set up my own design. Like each of you, I am a compendium of all the people I have interacted with during my life. This book tells my story by virtue of little vignettes. Enjoy them and share them within your own heart.

This volume, which covers my life from the ages of two to ten, and the ones that will follow it, are dedicated to the souls that have touched my soul, and enriched me in the process. It is my hope that you, the reader, will find elements in common with your own life, and draw out pearls of your own. For each of us is a fable unto ourselves, made up of all with whom we have been blessed to know.

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Weight 1.1 lbs